Tips: JavaMail経由でメールを送信しようとした際、エラー”javax.mail.MessagingException: 501 Syntax: HELO hostname”が出現した場合の対処法。


まだまだ現役のJava Mailですが、仕様も古いのでいたるところで不具合が出てきます。今回はハマったJava Mailのエラーについて回避方法をご紹介。


javax.mail.MessagingException: 501 Syntax: HELO hostname






English below:

In the case you try to send email by JavaMail via SMTP server, the following “501" error is shown.

javax.mail.MessagingException: 501 Syntax: HELO hostname

The error occurs when server’s host name is not entered in the following hosts file.


In windows cases, because computer name is required during installation, so usually this error doesn’t occur. Generally, the error occurs on Linux because many user don’t set a host name in the hosts file.

As a solution of the issue, please enter host name at the “/etc/hosts" file.